TITO Version 2 with WIFI Access Point
TITO Version 2 with WIFI Access Point
TITO Version 2 with WIFI Access Point
TITO Version 2 with WIFI Access Point

Advanced TITO
 Modern Age TITO

In the Slots world, TITO stands for “Ticket-in-Ticket-Out”. This has been a cornerstone of gaming and casinos and started in the late 1990s. Home users can get this same experience with a special TITO system integrated with their slot machines.
Our TITO system gives that true casino experience where you can print off a ticket with your winnings and later reinsert it in a slot machine that has any TITO system in it and it will put the credits back on that machine… Our TITO system gives you the ability to add credits to the machine without having to use physical cash, either thru re-using tickets or with the “service” button which is a “free-play” button and also adds credits to the machine. Some machines do not have a Free-Play button, so this may not apply (depends on the game). Neither Free-Play or Ticket printing is an option without the TITO system added.

The TITO option we offer is advanced and has a WIFI Hotspot built in. This allows you to connect to your game with your cell phone or Tablet, add credits, lock the machine, mute the machine, and enable/disable the bill validator, and change/customize some of the detail printed on the Tickets, like Casinos do. Not all features work on all machines, ask for more details on the specific machine you are buying.

The TITO option includes the special circuit board, the machine configured to use it (special settings are required to enable the TITO device), and a printer in the machine that prints off special thermal-tickets, the same tickets the casinos use. Contact us for a price quote on adding the TITO option to your next machine purchase.